JokeInsideJoke (comments)
Displaying 201 - 220 of 429 comments
oh haha! i didint know i got comments! i always use them to talk to people on MySpace! yeah i plan to stay here awhile! i like it here! its a lot more humble then MySpace, and people arint getting deleted, spammed, or hacked on a daily basis! its much better, but i will continue to go on MySpace! im looking to become an Official Member! or maby even something higher then that! i see a good future here for me!
Awhh :|
Yeahh that happened to me too. Since they still had to pull some teeth, the only put the brackets on. Looked retarded on me, but that's because I got super bright colorss :|
Awhhh :|
They aren't that bad thoughh.
You will get used to them and forget you even have them.
Plus some people digg themm ;]
But don't worry. You will be soo satisfied with the results so it doesn't even matter :] lol
And I have a question. How can I make my avatar (that shows in the forums) not look so weak and pixelized?
lol I'm thinking she's not so self-conscious, ne?
Hn, I wonder if the passer-bys were really staring at Bella's car...Can't wait for the release x3
Summer summer summmmeerrr :]]
Heehee, thankies :3
Oo, a new picture of yous xD
im soo happy school is over :]
summer summer summer. lol
eeekk i hate exams DX
but it will be over eventually
T.T Nope. Since I already bought Eclipse, I didn't bother but I might read it when I purchase another book from Borders....unless it's on Meyer's website?
just relaxing and enjoying my summer.
meaning doing basically nothing. lol.
ugh, it's like the dumping thread for the most pointless shit you'll read in your life. :]
it's mostly sex and bitch threads.
Lol if you say so.
They are different in sex appeal to me.
It depends on what im looking for at that moment. Lol
Orlando bloom is cute hot.
But johnny depp is mad sexy.
Its all in your preferences. Lol
aw, don't doubt yourself, be optimistic ~.^
sweet Twilight banner xD
btw, have you seen the covering for Breaking Dawn????
do it just to say you are. =D
heads up: VIP lounge sucks. but i expected that.
hey chick. you know you have well over enough PPD's to be an official member? :]
lol yeah.
i know they hurt but i've had a root canal.
twice in the same spot & i got my nerve taken out there.
i think i can handle braces. xD
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