Comment history with brunette925
Displaying 41 - 60 of 112 comments
only a tad :D
poting on CB a lot, because i wont be on for a week or two :(
is someone tired? lol
im not really doing anything. just hangin out.
wat r u up 2?
haha no. i dont like it, but its not that bad anymore. i guess my cheek got used to it. lol
X( do yo uhave wax to put on it? try putting origel (sp?) on the spot that gets rubbed.
ohhh. that sucks :/
on the left side my wire sticks out a bit too far and its pokin me the cheek. it hurts :(
what sucks i that the wire still isnt on and wont be for months. it looks stupid
nahh. not anymore.
but when i get em tightened they will :[
they were pretty sore the first couple days tho
:pinch: do you have them on the tops and bottoms? i just have them on the top